(R)evolution of Rock Guitar part 5-Fusion/Jazzrock - Axe-Fx II - Ketil Strand

This is a follow-up to my “(R)evolution of Rock Guitar..“ part 1-4 video series, and it doubles as a demo of my new Fractal Audio Systems Axe-Fx II Preamp/FX processor and MFC-101 Midi Foot Controller (in the previous video series I used the Axe-Fx Ultra). The Axe-Fx II is used exclusively for all guitar sounds and effects and recorded direct in Cubase, no extra “tricks“ done in the mix or anything, it’s all coming from the Axe-Fx (except the backing tracks of course..) But I’m using many different guitars as shown and mentioned in the video. I’ve also mentioned what amp types and effects that are being used on the different tracks, follow the on-screen text. This time I wanted to focus on, and give a tribute to, the many great fusion/jazzrock guitarists that have inspired me and others, and who have “filled the gap“ between what we call “rock“ and “jazz“. I’ve made a selection based on my knowledge and preferences, but there are
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