Russia considering Hungary’s request for additional purchase of gas - YouTube

Kremlin will consider a Hungarian request to increase gas purchases from Russia. Budapest has asked for an additional purchase of 700 million m³ of gas to replenish inventories before the winter. Last September, Russian and Hungarian energy companies signed two long-term contracts, valid for 15 years, under which Russia will supply Hungary with 4.5 billion m³ of gas per year via gas pipelines through Serbia and Austria, meeting 80% of Hungary’s gas needs. Lavrov said the implementation of the contracts “completely meets the interests of both countries”. Editor: Jiawen(Intern) __________________ Powered by Shanghai Media Group, ShanghaiEye focuses on producing top-quality content for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube. Nobody knows Shanghai better than us. Please subscribe to us ☻☻☻ __________________ For more stories, please click ■ What’s up today in Shanghai, the most updated news of the city
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