Pussy Riot - SWAN LAKE (by masha, diana, olga, lucy)
Pussy Riot members involved: Masha Alyokhina, Olga Borisova, Diana Burkot, Lucy Shtein
This song is our statement against Russian state propaganda.
“Forced patriotism” lessons have been introduced in Russian schools. Teachers force kids to form a Z formation to show support for the war. All over Russia, children are forced to write “letters of support” to occupying soldiers. Fifth-grader Timofey wrote that he wishes the russian military “to return home and not to kill people on foreign soil” The teacher condemned the child, he was bullied for “insufficient patriotism.” “Soldier, don’t kill people” was written by a boy, and this inspired us to write a song.
New history textbooks have already been distributed to high school students. To pass the exam and receive a certificate, schoolchildren must memorize propaganda — talk about the greatness of Russia, which is fighting the “fascists“ in Ukraine. Children are protesting — sixth-grader Masha Moskaleva made an anti-war drawing against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Her single father was sent to prison for two years for “discrediting the Russian army,” and Masha was sent to an orphanage.
Russian state propaganda poisons people’s hearts and brains with hatred. Putin’s propagandists are no less war criminals than the soldiers who kill and rape the civilian population of Ukraine, or the generals who give these orders.
Russian authorities are holding thousands of Ukrainian children hostage. Children are kept in sanatoriums, where they are taught to love Russia, and if the children say that they miss Ukraine or speak Ukrainian, they are beaten. These children are often recognized as orphans and given up for adoption, although most have parents in Ukraine who are trying to find them and return them. Children are the most vulnerable in this war. Children should not suffer.
We call for:
1. immediate return of all kidnapped Ukrainian children
2. stop poisoning children with Putin’s propaganda
3. to sanction Russian propagandists and Russian artists that serve this fascist propaganda.
the poison passes through the tv cable
leave the incoming here that hasn’t been left yet
“crucified boy“ on the bulletin board
how many went to kill believing the killers?
the maps of empires have are streaming myrrh
the value of life is overestimated
women should give birth more
don’t pity the soldiers
women will birth more
they don’t consider us humans here
no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten
veterans eat from an empty trough
the happiness of the homeland is more precious than life
the happiness of the homeland is more precious than life
sovereign democracy
national interests
preemptive strike
gesture of goodwill
it’s not all so straightforward
they are bombing themselves
discrediting the army
traditional values
expense optimization
negative growth
strategic retreat
import substitution
the will of millions
denunciation is a patriot’s duty
partial mobilization
nuclear ash
border alignment
no panic
we won’t forgive you
and we’ll trample the remains
Ostankino tower will burn beautifully!
half the country is left homeless
executioners in epaulets drink
blocking units, prisoner march
officer is waiting for you at the maternity hospital
a child sews a military robe
Russian field
of execution ranges
in a black christened bag
a Russian groom goes home
life with a wire attached to the anus
a summon, vodka on the bus, farewell
mom knits a bulletproof vest against the cold
sister is in prison for the anti-war slogans
replacing imports with dead mice
replacing men with gifted rams
replacing brains with “Russia today”
winter leaves, hell arrives
women and children scream in agony
chekists drink tea watching the sunset
no one will hear your plea
the national guard shoots straight into the crowd
not a defeat, but regrouping
not cargo 200, but repackaging
brotherly graves dug according to standards
we apologize for the inconvenience
we apologize for the glitches
war is a celebration and everything is fine
we won’t forgive you and will trample the remains
Ostankino tower will burn beautifully
lyrics: Maria Alekhina, Olga Borisova, Diana Burkot, Daria Serenko, Lucy Shtein
music: Diana Burkot
orchestral arrangement: Kjartan Sveinsson (Sigur Ros)
violin: María Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir
cello: Gyða Valtýsdóttir
trumpet: Snorri Sigurðarson, Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson
trombone: Samúel Jón Samúelsson, Ingi Garðar Erlendsson
record: Ása Ólafsdóttir
director: Anna Aristarkhova
art: Alisa Gorshenina
production: Labas Crabas
DOP: Nikita Voitov
lights: Laurynas Ratkus
1st AC: Valerij Kozich
editing: Diana Burkot
color: Anton Zimmerman
titles: Anton Spirikov
starring: Misha Shevchenko, Anastasia Shevchenko, Aya Niyazova
special thanks to: Arūnas Kulikauskas, Oksana Judakova, Vytis Jurkonis and Dmitriy Kuminov
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