JeanMarco // pray to me

watch in HD (but probably not in fullscreen ew) Just wanted to let out these JeanMarco feels and man, I love this song so much you have no idea. Ah, these adorable babies break my heart... ♥ Art credit (in order of appearence): 0:00 - Pixiv Id 126270 0:07 - Pixiv Id 3086412 0:09 - Pixiv ID 36822426 0:11 - Pixiv ID 37558362 0:13 - Tumblr kaa-05n2 0:18 - Pixiv Id 5134114 0:21 - Pixiv Id 4661851 0:30 - Pixiv ID 37558362 0:42 - Pixiv ID 1659743 0:45 - Doujinshi - Boys Will Be Scrap 0:48 - Twitter - guchax (c
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