INTO1 RIKIMARU / UP and DOWN (Dance Performance)

INTO1 RIKIMARU New Song【UP and DOWN】- Dance Performance - ▶︎Download and streaming ▶︎MV ーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 作詞・作曲・コレオに自ら参加した新曲「UP and DOWN」のDance Performance映像。 「UP and DOWN」は、人生はいつも順調ではなく、好調なときも不調な時もあるが、これら全ての体験は人生の一部であり、経験することで人は成長するという無限の可能性をメッセージ。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Dance Performance video of a new song “UP and DOWN“ written and choreographed by INTO1 RIKIMARU himself. The title ‘UP and DOWN’ expresses how life is not always perfect – it has its highs, and its overwhelmingly deep lows – but these experiences are all part of life, helping us to grow towards infinite possibilities. This strong message offers inspiration to light your darkest hour. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Compose:koshin/NONE/ INTO1 RIKIMARU Arranger:koshin Lyrics:INTO1 RIKIMARU Choreography:INTO1 RIKIMARU Produced By : Studio Director : Editor :Kim ▶︎INTO1 RIKIMARU YouTube @rikimaru7193 ▶︎INTO1 RIKIMARU Instagram ▶︎INTO1 RIKIMARU Twitter ▶︎INTO1 RIKIMARU TikTok @into1_rikimar... ▶︎INTO1 RIKIMARU weibo ▶︎INTO1 YouTube @INTO1 ▶︎INTO1 Instagram ▶︎INTO1 Twitter ▶︎INTO1 Weibo #RIKIMARU #力丸 #INTO1 #UPandDOWN #Dance
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