Powerful and destructive storms with incredible winds hit the Kaaba in Saudi Arabia.

Powerful and destructive storms with incredible winds hit the Kaaba in Arabia. #storm #saudiarabia #floods what experts and meteorologists emphasize is that these events are indicative of significant climate change. It’s not merely a localized phenomenon but part of a global landscape of climate disruptions. America, Europe, and the Middle East are undergoing severe climate disturbances, marking what could be considered a new normal. This series of unprecedented climate changes has left palpable consequences in Mecca and its surroundings. Striking images of streets turning into rivers, vehicles trapped in floods, and the destructive force of winds and hail highlight the region’s vulnerability to extreme weather events. #weather #news #earthquake #tsunami #cnn #rain #mecca #saudi #medina #jeddah #flood #mecca #saudiarabia saudi arabia, mecca, flood, storm in jeddah, storm today in arabia,
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