The UK is Dying! Leave Before It’s Too Late

The UK is failing! Why you need to leave now. Work with me: Website: My name is Zain Dhareeja, a New York qualified lawyer and the Managing Partner of AG Mena, a Dubai based multi-services firm. My firm and I help high net worth individuals and successful entrepreneurs in safeguarding their assets, diversifying their wealth and achieving lawful tax reductions. My expertise includes formulating a contingency plan, referred to as a “Plan B,“ which involves acquiring a second citizenship, relocating internationally, and optimizing business operations and corporate structures. The UK has just changed a 200-year-old tax law, and let’s just say that things are about to change for the worse, with many experts saying that this is the end of the UK as a viable haven for entrepreneurs, businessmen and even immigrants. But what exactly is this non-dom tax law, why does it matter, and most importantly, why should you be worried about it? We are going to be diving into all of that in today’s video and I hope you stick around till the end because I am going to teach you how you can save yourself from these changes by getting a foreign residency. Chapters 0:00 Chapter One: What’s the Non-Dom Tax Status? 1:57 Chapter Two: Why is this a big deal? 2:59 Chapter Three: Why People Are Leaving 4:14 Chapter Four: What’s the Solution? 6:19 Chapter Five: Closing Points Topics this video covers: non dom status explained uk, uk non dom status explained, non dom status explained uk and, non dom status UK, non domicile tax UK, non dom explained, UK non domicile rules, nondom status benefits, non dom tax implications, non dom residency rules, non dom status changes, non dom status advantages, non dom status requirements, non dom status uk, non dom residency, non domiciled tax uk, uk non dom rules, non dom benefits, residency in dubai, dubai expat life, living in dubai as a non resident, dubai residency benefits, dubai tax laws, tax, nondom, taxrules, taxchanges, hmrc, hanges, systems, wealth, residents, earnings, finance, financial, advice DISCLAIMER: The information shared in this video should not be considered as any tax, financial, investment, legal or professional advice.
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