Turkey Links With Common Market (1963)

Ankara, Turkey. GV. Airport building of Esenboga Airport in Ankara. CU. Turkish flag. Various shots of reception committee at airport, Turkish Foreign Minister Mr Feridun Cemal Erkin, Governor of Ankara Mr Enver Kuray and high ranking military officers. CU. Turkish soldiers, part of Guard of Honour. GV. Aircraft taxiing in. Various shots of the visiting foreign ministers being greeted at airport after leaving the aircraft - they are coming for the meeting to admit Turkey into Common Market. Various shots of the Foreign Ministers arriving at the Mausoleum of Kemal Ataturk - founder of the modern Turkey. Various shots of the Turkish Prime Minister Mr Ismet Inonu leading the meeting of foreign ministers which ends in the signing of an agreement linking Turkey with the six other members of the European Economic Community. Foreign Ministers include Dr A. H. Luns (Foreign Minister of Holland), Couve de Murville (French Foreign Minister), Dr Gerhard Schroder (German Foreign Minister), Mr Paul Henri Spaak (Foreig
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