Should You Keep Mbuna and Peacock Cichlids Together?

Should You Keep Mbuna and Peacock Cichlids Together? I walkthrough some pros and cons of keeping these Lake Malawi African cichlids together. Food for Peacocks: - Xtreme Krill Flakes - - Xtreme Big Fella Pellets - - Xtreme Nice Pellets - Food for Mbuna: - Spirulina Flakes (Vegetable Based) - - Community Crave - A complete playlist on African cichlids: If you’re interested in any of the other products and equipment used in our aquariums, check out the affiliate links below. Equipment - Seachem Tidal 110: - Sicce Syncra SDC - - Sicce XStream SDC - - Fluval 300W Heaters - - Easy Green Fertilizer - - Seachem Purigen - - Seachem Prime: - Fritz Glass/Acrylic Cleaner: Thanks for watching, and we’ll see you next week!
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