The Ultimate Slap Bass Trick (Open Hammer Pluck)

► Grab Your FREE Workbook Here: If you’ve ever felt like your slap bass sounds okay but not amazing, I hear you. There are some bass players, like Victor Wooten, who make it look so easy – and they do it so fast that it’s almost impossible to figure out what they’re playing. But here’s the thing… All of these techniques are built from simple patterns that you can play! So long as you know the pattern. In today’s NEW video, I’m breaking down one of Victor’s most famous slap techniques – so you can start playing it at your own pace and work your way up to his tempo. As always, see you in the shed… Scott :) === Right now, over 25,000 bass players are enrolled in the Academy here at Scott’s Bass Lessons and are making a real difference in their playing... if you’re really serious about getting your bass playing together, click here to find out more and grab your 14-day free trial: http
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