How Pakistan wastes its water need hydel dam

Water scarcity in Pakistan due to climate change in the world and failure to build hydel power station dams projects using water resources in the past, but now many dams are being built in Pakistan on rivers irrigation system which will solve the water problem. Due to climate change and other factors, Pakistan’s irrigation system was severely affected by 2015 when work on CPEC projects began. Construction of dams on rivers of Pakistan started regularly in 2019. To improve the irrigation system, 150 hydel power dams are being constructed in different places in Pakistan, this will have a positive impact on Pakistan’s ecosystem. Hydropower stations are a source of affordable clean and green electricity that is environmentally friendly. The value of hydro power projects dams has increased due to climate change in the world. ----------------- Please subscribe channel: --------------------- How can we solve the water crisis in Pakistan?
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