Does it really work? Testing the AliExpress motorcycle helmet wiper

#visorwiper #aliexpress #helmetwiper #twaap #twowheelsandaponytail It’s been a while since I ordered this, but never tested it. I thought I ordered it for 7 euros at the time, but it was around 17 euros. Apologies. Anyway, is it worth buying this? It works, but are you really going to ride with such a device on your helmet? I do not think so. Although it does work! You will always have to carry the windshield wiper with you in your belongings in case it starts to rain. And if you leave home and it rains, who knows, it might be fun to try! The velcro is a solution, because you will of course never use those screws in your nice helmet. Do you know any other bike related products on AliExpress that I can try out? I was thinking about a motorcycle communication system. There are also a lot of them on AliExpress.
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