Shri Raja Lakshmi Vandana by The Nirmala Project | Spiritual Heart Music

Shri Raja Lakshmi Vandana 🍀 A prayer song for the Goddess of royal dignity, well-being and prosperity. Shri Raja Lakshmi is one main aspect of the Lakshmi principle. Based on the lyrics from the ‘Ashta Lakshmi Stotram’ by Shri Adi Shankarcharya. The Spirituality behind the music 🔥🧎🏻‍♂️🧎‍♀️ Inside every human being exists a subtle system of channels (nadis) and centers of energy (chakras) which looks after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being. The subtle system of chakras and nadis needs cleansing and balance in order to achieve (and later) to maintain the connection to our Atma. Do start your own journey to purify your subtle system and to achieve this spontaneous union which is called Sahaja Yoga. Here is great website to start right away: 🌟 ​The Nirmala Project This song is part of the music project called ‚The Nirmala Project‘. 💫 Shri Mataji
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