Chapter 4: Battle Royale - Ringer Vs Bennett Pt.1
It’s a fight everyone has been waiting for, as the World No1 ranked feeder angler Steve Ringer goes head-to-head with double Fish‘O’Mania Champion, Andy Bennett! Round one see’s Andy bring Steve to his back yard on the exciting Holbar Lake at Partridge Lakes Fishery. It’s down to the masters to fish exactly how they want with one common intention between them…TO WIN! We get right in on all the action with presenter Dean Macey exploring what the guys are doing to get an edge on a variety of methods and techniques. We’ve also implemented a unique rewind system that enables the anglers to show you what decisions they make and tactics they use in this heart-stopping battle of two angling champions!
FISHING GURUS is a fantastic FREE set of Angling videos aiming to help you catch more fish in multiple situations.
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