
How to make a drop spindle for free, from almost anything, anywhere, for those times when you just need to spin some yarn. It could be while out camping and your tent buddy decided they suddenly want to learn to spin dandelion down. Or maybe you are looking for something to do with your friends’ kids while your friend is at the dentist? Maybe this is the first time you are making yarn and don’t want to invest in expensive equipment. All are good reasons to make your own drop spindle. If you read this far, this is basically my rebellion against the GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) that gets in the way of people just making yarn. Our ancestors made their own clothing with tools they found around them. You don’t need a trip to a hardware store to get the tools needed to make yarn. You don’t need an engineering degree to make a spinning stick. Fancy tools are fun, they are great, I love my GAS. But there are times when we just need to make the yarn already. The hen’s name is Roads, first name Dusty
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