we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of nijisanji english’s third wave etyhria member enna alouette, who unfortunately passed on after complications with her wisdom teeth removal. fortunately she had written her will the night before, detailing what should go to who and her parting words to all her friends and family in nijisanji
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Rest In Peace:
@EnnaAlouette [NIJISANJI EN]
Oct 8 2021 - Dec 8 2022
translations for KT Mama’s farewell message were provided by my friend a. alistair
#ennalively #enntheycry #ennaalouette
00:00 Existential Crisis
03:44 Millie Parfa
06:07 Elira Pendora
07:12 Reimu Endou
08:25 Petra Gurin
09:31 Nina Kosaka
10:45 Mika Melatika
11:40 Rosemi Lovelock
12:44 Kyo Kaneko
13:41 Uki Voileta
14:29 Nothing Left To Give
16:30 Managers, Staff, and Mama
17:27 Posting to TwitterShow more