Создаем 3D модель с помощью Reality Capture, Blender и Unreal Engine 4
In this video I take 63 mobile phone pictures on a Samsung S20 FE @ 12mp and align then adjust box, reconstruct, filter, remove lose parts, smooth, fix topology, texture, simplify/decimate and export to Blender.
Reality Capture was super fast, taking 24 seconds to align and just under 5 minutes to reconstruct. Texturing and simplify were also very quick taking just a few minutes. (RTX2080 / 32gb Ram) The resulting model cost just $ to export, that is nearly 4.7 times cheaper than before its recent acquisition by Epic Games.
In Blender I remove verts in more detail, then build the bottom half of the model that was obscured by foliage on shoot. The mesh is then Re-meshed, sculpted, masked and removed of features then UV mapped for import back into Reality Capture for texture and normal map projection. The maps are then cloned in Blender, the object scaled and re-centred and imported as an FBX at just under 5mp and 60k faces into Unreal Engine.
The workflow was super fun and let
3 months ago 00:07:18 1
Азбука безопасности - Пожарная безопасность - Все серии | Смешарики 2D. Обучающие мультфильмы
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