The Beauty of Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit’s Ending.

The last scene from Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit is that of pure beauty. She walks in the middle of a chess park in Russia, and realizes that she is far from where she started. She is far from the little girl who stole those green pills in the orphanage. And despite that, amidst of all the people shaking her hand, there’s a challenger. A challenger who is so different from everyone she has ever played before. And yet as she sat down, taking on the challenge, she realized something familiar in him. She smiled before the game for the very first time as if she was greeting an old friend. This challenger was not a grandmaster, he was not someone who is well known in the chess community, or even known at all, he was a nobody who purely loves chess and enjoys playing it from the bottom of his heart. She saw someone she holds dear, she saw her first teacher, Mr. Shaibel. At least that’s how I interpret it haha! I was making this edit for instagram as an appreciation post, but I love it
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