How To Fast Build MUSCLES At HOME 20 Exercises

Should you be one of those people who is eternally motivated, with regular #workout inked into the diary, power to you. Like, serious props. If, however, you’re part of the other 98% of living humans, a kick up the bum in the form of a brand new, snazzy, well-thought-out fitness plan is usually most welcome. Herein lies the magic: We’ve put together a special four week workout plan at home that’ll get you fit and sculpt lean muscle, guiding you through 28 days of body-changing moves and routines. 0:00 Start_intro 0:10 DUMBBELL FRONT SQUAT 3x10 0:38 DUMBBELL SEATED CALF RAISE 3x10-12 0:54 WIDE INTO NARROW STANCE DEADLIFTS 3x12 1:27 DUMBBELL ARNOLD PRESS 3x12 1:42 DUMBBELL SEATED ONE LEG CALF RAISE 3x10-12 2:08 DB STANDING CALF RAISE 3x12 2:32 DUMBBELL SEATED ALTERNATE FRONT RAISE 3x10-12 2:47 ONE LEG CALF RAISE 3x8-12 3:12 DUMBBELL LEG CURL 3x10-12 3:43 FORWARD & BACK LUNGE 3x10 4:09 BB SEATED CALF RAISE 3x12 4:26 HAMMER CURL W/ISO HOLD 3x12 4:42 LATERAL
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