Resident Evil - Seamless HD Pack - Official Installation Guide
Here we give you clear and easy instructions of how to install our HD graphic mod pack for the PC-version of original Resident Evil. Instructions go thru Classic REbirth patch installation too if you wish to play the stock game on modern computers with support for modern controllers etc.
Seamless HD Project Discord:
Project Trailer:
- Biohazard Mediakite/Ultra2000 japanese release
- Classic REbirth patch for RE1:
- Mediakite update for the game:
- Resident Evil HD mod by TeamX:
- Seamless HD Pack for the game:
- We also recommend getting 7Zip for this process:
For piracy/legal reasons, we don’t provide the game disc in our downloads.
Big thanks to all fans of our project and Resident Evil/Biohazard game franchise fans!
Resident Evil/Biohazard is propety of Capcom Co., Ltd.