Since Ubisoft does not care about this franchise, I took on the challenge to fix this mess without any source code in my free time.
It was hard as hell and I almost gave up 3 times, but after a full month of trial and error I have managed to reverse engineer some aspects of The camera system and mouse functions in order to fix this mess.
I also included some fixes from other modmakers to make this project the definitive Unofficial Patch for the game.
I also tried some texture modding for a proper remaster, but every time I had more than 10 new textures, the game just crashed after loading a
... save.
If you like what I did, then please consider supporting me to ease my pain after exploring this ugly dungeon made by Ubisoft 18 Years ago.
All the information about how to install it (It’s very easy) full patch notes are on my main mod page.
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