Amazing female throat singing

Welcome to the first throat singing online School! Online course 1 Skype session - Online course 3 Skype sessions - Private learning 5 Skype sessions - More than 3000 students have successfully completed the course. I’ll be glad to see you too! Онлайн видео мастер класс - Any way I’ll be glad to see you on my course) If you have questions just let me know) Wish you all the best) People often ask me if women can sing throat singing. I made a special collection of videos with examples of female throat singing. Hope you like it. 1) Shonchalai Oorjak-Choodu 2) Saylyk Ommun 3) ??? (Can’t find the name) 4) Veronica Usholik 5) Anna-Maria Hefele 6) Chodura Tumat (Tuva Kyzy) Here you can support my channel (Поддержи канал) -
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