Flag Day 2022 - The Stars and Stripes Forever

In honor of the 245th anniversary of the Continental Congress adopting the Stars and Stripes as the national flag, “The Commandant’s Own“ presents John Philips Sousa’s The Stars and Stripes Forever! Follow us on social media: ➤Facebook: ➤Instagram: ➤Twitter: ➤Official Website: The history of the unit can be traced to the early days of the Marine Corps. In the 18th and 19th centuries military musicians, or “field musics,“ provided a means of passing commands to Marines in battle formations. The sound of various drum beats and bugle calls could be easily heard over the noise of the battlefield and signaled Marines to attack the enemy or retire for the evening. Through the 1930’s, Marine Corps posts were still authorized a number of buglers and drummers to play the tradition
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