This video contains text, which was forwarded to me. The source is highly credible, and has given permission to post his youtube account here: If you have questions, you can contact him directly. This message originally came from a USAF pilot, who flies Aerosol Tankers, as part of the secret Indigo Skyfold (geoengineered aerosol “chemtrail“) program.
Please save this text, and forward the video! (The text was too long for Youtube to put in the description, so I will put the entire message in the comments section.)
I’ve known the source for over a year, and I have POST confirmation of most of the things he’s told me, IN ADVANCE.
Also, IF THIS WAS DISINFO, the last message from the pilot would be “after Jan 20, 2015, they are shutting down the program“.
INSTEAD, he says the opposite: “a very new “extremely toxic“ chemtrail mix, is going to be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these special chemtrails, completely invisible.“
That is