Fozzy - Judas (Live at The Mill, Birmingham UK - 7th December 2021)
#Judas #Fozzy #LiveMusic #TheMill #ChrisJericho
Team Venom Media is a collective of, well, nerds who enjoy watching wrestling, reading comics and playing video games and those loves bleed over into our content as you can find podcasts such as Team Venom’s Power Rangers Podcast (focused on all things Power Rangers and including special guests such as David Field, Ron Wasserman and More), Team Venom’s X-Men Podcast (Focused on everything from the 50 Year history of Marvel’s Mightiest Mutants and featuring guests such as the 90s animated series show-runners Eric and Julia Lewald) as well as several interviews with various stars of the pro-wrestling world (so far we’ve interviewed #MVP, #BretHart, #XPac, #KurtAngle, #TooCool, #Rikishi, #DrewMcIntyre, #EC3, #EddieEdwards, #RockyJohnson and many more) and extensive #ComicCon coverage where possible.
We’ve also recently launched our very own comic book show! The Team Venom Comics show is a regular