Want to build your first Autodesk BIFROST Graph? WATCH THIS
If you’re struggling to build your first graph in Bifrost, Autodesk’s visual programming environment, and find it overwhelming, this video is for you. This is the second video in a series of tutorials aimed at the non programmer, explaining what Bifrost is and how you can use it.
This video explains how to build your first Bifrost graph. We will be building a simple geometry deformer, covering the following basic Bifrost concepts:
- Creating a Graph
- Getting your scene data into a Graph
- Accessing and understanding data in the Graph
- Searching for nodes
- Loading and Connecting nodes
- Adding Watchpoints
- Changing Node Values
In the next video we will move onto adding more artist controls, annotations and documentation, and how to package the graph into a compound to distribute it.
00:00 Introduction.
00:24 Softimage ICE.
02:39 Making a start.
03:44 Understanding Da