THANK YOU FOR WATCHING, AS WELL AS THE NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS! Whew, this one took a minute! Appreciate your patience! I had a lot of fun with this one, as this was the first Led Zeppelin song I ever listened to, brought a lot of memories back. Once again, I have not created or own the art/music in the video. Sources: 0:22 Ranger Unification Monument by Mic Salmon: 0:30 NCR vs BoS by csh980929: 0:34 - 0:36 Dead Mountains by TheOtherGuy101: 0:37 Glory to the NKR by Zima421: 0:38 - 0:41 Fort Tandi, Boneyard NCR Army Basic Training Center by csh980929: 0:43 Fight for the NCR by memai-kins: 0...:48 Doughboys by Slim-Charles: 0:49 - 0:51 How to wake up a NCR soldier by T3ss3R: 1:04 - 1:05 NCR: CHODE SQUAD by SuperNinjaNub: 1:06 NCR Radiomans by ArtScavanger: 1:07 Battle-fatigued NCR soldiers by Penett: 1:07 Green Fields of Nowhere by lonefirewarrior: 1:08 - 1:10 Desert Ranger by CommunityCall: 1:11 - 1:14 Group NCR by Ira Arn: 1:15 - 1:17 Fallout New Vegas fan art- NCR Patrol - BoxofLizards: 1:18 For Ceasar... ::Fallout: New Vegas:: by guywiththesuitcase: 1:19 First Battle of Hoover Dam (may also be calway ) by guywiththesuitcase: 1:20 Glory charge by gtanoofa: 1:21 A fickle calm by guywiththesuitcase: 1:40 Bear and Bull by SAG: #Fallout #NCR
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