Which is Better, Death by Old Age or Early Death? | SADHGURU

Every living creature, except humans, knows how to die in a peaceful and dignified way. When animals die, they usually find a quiet spot and pass away gracefully. Watch this video in Hindi, English, Marathi, Arabic, German, Telugu, Kannada & Tamil Subtitles. The video explores the connection between the cycles of the moon and the fundamentals of our birth. It highlights the influence of the sun as the main source of energy for the planet and the impact of the moon on our systems due to its proximity. Sadhguru emphasizes that understanding life from within requires looking to the moon while understanding life from outside involves looking to the sun. The cycles of the moon and the biological cycles in a feminine body are strongly connected, influencing the source of our birth. The video suggests that women, generally speaking, have a deeper existential understanding due to their bodies being attuned to the language of the moon. Sadhguru’s DEATH Book You Must Read :
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