How to do the Horse Riding Stance

Here I am showing the internal structure of the Horse Riding Stance. This is my own version and I think this is the most efficient method. I am trying to find the most efficient ways of using the body to create integration and structural strength. In this case we are using a stretch in the hip joint to support our bodyweight rather than the thighs and knees. And we keep the toes pointing in the direction of the bend in the knee. This is different to many martial arts, but for efficiency we are trying not to twist the knee. In time we can turn the angle of the feet, but only when the ankle is strong and mobile. This version of the horse riding stance is for whole body connection and energy flow. When you feel the strength in it you can use this to improve your own martial arts Kata. Disclaimer: This is my own personal method of physical, mental and energetic training that I call Body Efficiency Training. This is not so much a style but a scientific study and I am continually learning. Follow al
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