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Book - ’Proposed Roads To Freedom’ by Bertrand Russell (1919)
Nov. 18, 2011
Alan Watt “Cutting Through The Matrix“ LIVE on RBN:
Technocracy’s Goal, Spiralling into Control
(Alan’s Poem is found in the Transcript link above)
Technocracy, Rule by Appointed “Experts“ - Club of Rome Think Tank - Parallel Government behind the Scenes - Global Warming Scam - Brainwashing from BBC - Show of EU Parliament - Unelected Czars put into Office - Ages of Man, Technocratic Age - Bertrand Russell and Macy Group, Scie
...ntific Dictatorship - Free Trade Agreements, Imported Labour - Climate Meetings, Scary Scenarios to Terrify the Public - Bureaucratic Mindset - EU Bans Claim that Water Prevents Dehydration - Political Agenda of Climate Change - Science Replaces Old Religions - “Scientific“ Weather Predictions, Exit Clauses - New Agers’ Avoidance of the “Negative“ - Eurasian Merger - RIIA-CFR, Resource Takeover, Creation of Trading Blocs - Value Added Tax - Middleton and “British“ Royal Family - Changing Idea of Money, Coin, Electronic Blips, Credits Allocated by the State, Carbon/Energy Taxes.
* Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 18, 2011 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers’ Comments)
Geopolitics of Censorship and the BBC (Here’s the last episode that the U.S. didn’t see)
Farage Bombasts the Technocrats at the EU Dictator Headquarters
New Italian Government Does Not Include a Single Elected Politician
Mining Companies Seek Cheap Labour Offshore--Australia (This article is not in their archives - memory-holed)
Foreign Labour to be Flown in to Work India-Owned Mines in Australia
EU Supreme Nutters Ban Claim that Water Prevents Dehydration
Mixed Messages on “Climate Vulnerability“
Watts Up with That Responds to IPCC’s Latest
IPCC Scientists Test Exit Doors
Eurasian Integration
Irish Times--Germany Now Pulling the Strings
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