Iceland Home of Modern Whaling-ProjectZero

After establishing itself as the premier destination to observe whales in the wild, Iceland has taken a giant leap backwards into the inhumane past. The full impact upon Iceland’s tourism industry is yet to be fully established but the sight of whales being butchered in the docks is sure to disgust any tourist with a love for these gentle creatures. Despite the renewed slaughter of whales being ruled humane by the Icelandic parliament the practice has resulted in long, drawn out deaths for whales who can be injured injured and pursued for hours, requiring multiple explosive harpoon shots to ...finally end their suffering. This year a pregnant whale and her fetus were killed by the Icelandic whaling fleet. Killing is the ultimate rejection of humanity. Perhaps the most depressing fact of the Icelandic whaling crisis is the absolute lack of demand for whale meat, especially from the Icelandic people themselves. Instead the whale meat - toxic in fact- is sold for pet food and in vending machines in Japan. The people of Iceland don’t support the Icelandic whaling fleet. Show your solidarity and help them put pressure on their government by making a donation at Together we can end restore the peace to the Icelandic wildlife. Special thanks to MAST Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority and Captain Paul Watson Foundation UK for the whaling footage, and to Erik Hedenfalk for his incredible footage of Iceland and edit.
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