Top 10 Most “WTF“ Action Figures - Toy Galaxy Top Ten

There are a ton of great toys out there, lots of which we’ve talked about on this channel, but with the good comes the WTF. Sometimes a decision is made to manufacture something that just leaves you scratching you head and wondering wtf were they thinking? Lots of Toybiz (sorry), the Punisher, Wolverine, Spider-Man, lots of WWF sweat, GI Joe and a “ravishing“ April O’Neal all turn up plus a few more. Help the channel continue to grow by checking out our Patreon: Follow Dan on Instagram: Toy Galaxy P.O. box 3976 Manchester, NH 03105-3976 Business Inquiries: toygalaxytv@ Image Credits: Raptor: Fearsome Flush: Ravishing April O’Neil:
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