Emotional Epic Orchestral Music | Only You and Me - Inspirational Mix
Emotional Epic Orchestral Music | Only You and Me - Inspirational Mix
Music provided by EMVN
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[00:00:00] - AM27_01_Wars of Faith
[00:03:51] - AM27_49_When It All Falls Down
[00:07:59] - AM27_47_Between Heaven and Earth
[00:12:20] - AM28_34_Ashes of Time
[00:15:29] - AM15_12_Eternal Flame
[00:19:39] - AM08_01_Eterna
[00:21:24] - AM08_15_Prelude of Dreams
[00:23:18] - AM08_20_Atonement
[00:24:56] - AM08_22_The New World
[00:26:57] - AM08_25_The Prophecy
[00:29:09] - AM08_28_Hero’s Journey
[00:31:42] - AM08_31_Redemption
[00:33:17] - AM08_33_Inductive Reasoning
[00:36:01] - AM03_76_The Messenger
[00:39:04] - AM03_78_Final Hope
[00:41:40] - AM03_80_Homeward Bound
[00:43:48] - AM03_81_Cry Freedom
[00:46:22] - AM03_84_Oath of Honor
[00:47:31] - STYE850_001 Everything Comes To An End 120Bpm G#m
[00:50:37] - STYE850_002 To Infinity 98Bpm C
[00:53:45] - STYE850_003 Through Rain And Sun 80Bpm Db
[00:56:52] - STYE850_004 Prophecy 95Bpm Dm
[00:59:35] - STYE850_005 Bonds Between 90Bpm A
[01:02:18] - STYE850_009 Brave Enough 115Bpm Ab
[01:05:02] - STYE850_010 Resistance 120Bpm Gm
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• All music on Best Epic Music are copyrighted
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