Easy Mud and Dust Effects with Enamels and Pigments

Today we’ll look at making some simple earthy effects using only one enamel product and two pigments. By layering these products on, we can make some nice textures and different effects to simulate dried mud, dust, and fresh-looking muddy effects. My Facebook Page: Support me and my videos on Patreon! Music by Luke Steele: Thank you Luke! DISCLAIMER: I am not paid to promote any specific products or brands; I just use the products I find work best for me through my experiences. There is no reason for me to promote a bad product, as then I would not enjoy using it, not like the result on my model, and not be proud of publicizing it in a video. There’s also no point in me doing this to keep up relations with a company if the only benefit would be getting more of the same products that I didn’t like
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