England’s been our country 1100 years

Originally written for The English Democrats 2023 Autumn Conference in Nottingham. Song loosely based on Henry Thomas’ Going Up The Country, US singer 1928, and borrowing some phrasing from musical hero Alan Wilson of Canned Heat’s 1969 Woodstock version of the song. Slow blues style - Stay Free Another 1000 years. Henry Curteis. Written for the English Democrats Nottingham conference 2023. Ned Pamphilon sang his excellent song England Calling at the conference, solo with acoustic guitar, which he hopes to do soon in a studio, and it should appear on here at some point. That song is beyond brilliant, and professional. This one was written to help get the phrasing for the campaign. If the words won’t write easily, then sing them first. Most advertising catchphrases are sung, or connect to songs, when you think about it.
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