How to Make Projector Art in Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Creative Cloud

Create a light show inspired visual using Photoshop on the iPad. Start from scratch, or copy the project file containing the sample assets [ ] for a head start. Steps below. Prep your file: 1. Open the practice file in the Your Work tab in Photoshop on your iPad. Mask out the subject: 1. Select the Subject layer. 2. Tap and hold the Lasso tool and then tap the Select Subject. 3. Select Mask at the bottom. Blur the clouds: 1. Select the Clouds layer. 2. Tap the Filers and adjustment icon and select Gaussian blur. 3. Adjust the blur to your desired amount and tap Done. Tip: We adjusted to level 6. Add more clouds: 1. With the Clouds layer selected, tap the Layer actions icon and select Duplicate layer. 2. Tap and hold the duplicated Clouds layer and drag it to the top of the layers. 3. Tap the Layer properties icon and change the Blend mode to Multiply. 4. Tap the Clipping Mask icon. Stagger the clouds: 1. Tap
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