Dr. Peacock & Sefa present: Symphony of Freedom (Defqon.1 at Home, 2021)
00:00:00 Sefa & Dr. Peacock – Symphony of Freedom (Pirates Bootleg)
00:04:22 Sefa & Dr. Peacock ft. Chrono – Das Boot
00:08:28 Adaro & B-Front ft. Dawnfire – Touch a Star (Dr. Peacock Remix)
00:12:57 Dr. Peacock & Sefa – Incoming
00:15:56 Sefa – Tourdion
00:18:23 Dr. Peacock – Tri Martolod
00:20:58 Sefa – Fly
00:23:40 Sefa – Be Free
00:25:53 Dr. Peacock & Da Mouth of Madness – The Future
00:30:32 ID - ID
00:34:12 Dr. Peacock & Sefa – Adagio
00:38:17 Sefa & Dr. Peacock – Die!
00:40:13 Sefa & Dr. Peacock – World of the Dream
00:41:14 Sefa & Dr. Peacock – Flowing Rivers
00:41:49 Dr. Peacock & Sefa – The Universe
00:42:37 Dr. Peacock & Sefa – This Life is Lost
00:45:05 Dr. Peacock – Trip to Italy (Sefa 2021 Remix)
00:47:20 Dr. Peacock & Sefa – Come On
00:48:41 Dr. Peacock – Enough for the Future (Hyrule War Remix)
00:49:39 Sefa & Dr. Peacock – Everything is a Lie
00:53:31 Dr. Peacock – Trip to Valhalla
00:56:45 Sefa & Dr. Peacock – Illusions
00:59:33 Sefa & Dr. Peacock – Keelhauled
01:02:01 Nyocore – Mr. Blue (Sefa Edit)
After months of work, many challenges, and long hours in the studio, Sefa and I created a show that will last a lifetime.
Together with a wonderful crew of audiovisual experts and musicians, we combined forces to produce our biggest project so far.
Special thanks to Q-dance for letting us premiere the show at the home of the harder styles, Defqon.1.
We would like to thank you, the fans, for your undying support.
Special thanks to
Ruud & Deniz (Boat “De Vrijheid“)
Heroes 4 Life (Charity)
Stijn Verlinde (Director)
Epic Cinema (Camera crew)
Auke Brinkman (Camera)
Dami Nichit (Camera)
Maruca Hortulanus (Make-up)
Danielle van de Veeken (Photography)
Rin Hortulanus (Photography)
Adina Uihlein (Singer)
Jochem Thomas Kok (Electric guitar)
Sacha Hoedemaker (Piano/recording)
Mechteld Karlien (Harp)
Ewa Pepper (Violin)
Kim de Beer (Violin)
Sietse van Daalen (Storyteller)
Jurienne Sax (Clarinet)
Susann Huber (Cello)
Frederik Hartig (Accordeon/acoustic guitar)
M-Sound (Sound/light)
Jim Breetveld (Tourmanager)
Sai (Guru)
Claire Lagarde (Platinum Agency)
Koen Hulsbosch (Q-dance)
Demy van Niftrik (Q-dance)
Yoma Schertz (Recording)
Pa Peacock (Catering)
Ricardo Carota (Catering)
With our show, we also wanted to increase awareness for a good cause: Heroes 4 Life. This foundation gives chronically ill children the chance to forget about their worries for a while. Heroes 4 Life makes it possible for them to enjoy a care-free day on open water. Make sure to donate by visiting Thank you for your generosity.
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