It’s not your imagination, rats are a growing problem in New York City. Here’s where the most rats have been sighted across the city.
“This is my 8-year-old’s room that I have to seal off, because the smell is unbearable,“ renter Ann Marchena said.
Who knows how long the foot-long rat that Marchena discovered has been decomposing in the walls, but the maggots do. She says she discovered it last week.
“I’m so angry, because my 8-year-old keeps telling me mommy, ’why can’t I play with my toys? Mommy that’s our home, what’s going on?’ I don’t know how to explain that to her,“ Marchena said.
Cell phone video shows a rat gnawing through Marchena’s light fixture a month ago. It’s the second infestation in two years.
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