Pick A Card 🔮 What Vibe Do You Give Off? 🌈 Tarot Reading

Welcome, my little-loving-energy-giver-offers! (I’m losing creativity with these nicknames). Anyway, in today’s video we will go over YOUR vibe, your energy, what vibe to you give off?! Take a deep breath and select the card pile that is calling out to you. TIMESTAMPS Pile #1 🌈 01:20 Pile #2 🌈 06:30 Pile #3 🌈 13:25 Pile #4 🌈 20:40 ✨ S U B S C R I B E ✨ 🍄 G E T A R E A D I N G W I T H M E 🍄 🌙 S O C I A L M E D I A & W E B S I T E 🌙 My Website (Personal Readings): Instagram: Twitter:
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