“O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing“ by 250 Voice Mass Choir for Classic Hymns Album “Our God Reigns“
Conductor - Elma C Simons
Pipe Organ - Avinash Mario Grubb
Grand Piano - Samuel Samson
The Mass Choir are from the following Churches and Choirs
St Andrews Church, Bangalore Conservatory Choir, Bangalore Mens Ensemble (BME) , Bangalore East Marthoma Church, CSI East Parade Malayalam Church , CSI Kannada Church Electronic City, Healing Service Choir , Indira Nagar Methodist Church , St Johns Church, Koramangal
...a Methodist Church, Kothanur CSI Church, Pavanasar Lutheran Church TELC,
#oforathousandtonguestosing #250voicemasschoir #classichymnsalbumShow more