Med et pænt støttebidrag fra Danmarksfonden af 5. maj 1995 havde Trykkefrihedsselskabet æren af at kunne invitere Tommy Robinson til Folkemødet på Bornholm 2024, hvor han fortalte om sine igangværende projekter og den ulige kamp, han blandt andet kæmper mod det engelske retsvæsen, som tilsyneladende dækker over de britiske politikeres bevidste fordrejning af sandheden, ikke mindst i forbindelse med dokumentarfilmen ’SIL£NC£D’, som havde sin Verdenspremiere på Christiansborg i april 2023.
With a substantial contribution from Danmarksfonden, Danish Free Press Society had the honour of inviting
...Tommy Robinson to Folkemødet - the biggest political festival in Denmark, held each year in June on the Baltic island of Bornholm.
Here Tommy told the Danish audience about his current projects and his ongoing battle against an obviously unjust judiciary which wants to punish him with prison for revealing the scandal of the Huddersfield Incident, in which a Syrian refugee boy was broadly portrayed in mainstream media as an innocent victim of racism, even though it has now been revealed that he had himself abused, threatened and physically attacked several other pupils in his school.
The investigation into this affair lead to Tommy Robinson’s documentary “SIL£NC£D“, which he premiered at Christiansborg Palace - seat of Danish Parliament - in April 2023 at an event co-hosted by Danish People’s Party (Dansk Folkeparti) and The Free Press Society.Show more