Design Narrative - Straight to the Heart

This is my Narrative Project for my Design course at University. Took me one whole weekend to sketch, color, cut and photograph, and then another whole weekend to resize everything and put the pics together. Twas fun.... but I don’t think I’ll ever do this again. WAY too time consuming. XDDD and I was having difficulties in the intro with premiere pro. I got so excited though when I made them dance on the table top! Squeeeee! My roommate took the intro pics. I hate being in pictures. really I do. my hoodies make me look.... well, fat. DX But it freezes in that basement. And it may be dark, but that’s cuz the lighting in our apartment REALLY sucks. trust me. That’s why I have two lamps on my desk. 8D and I STILL had to tweak the lighting on the PC.
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