The Dacian Wars - Rome’s Greatest Test of Strength | DOCUMENTARY (Part 1)
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The Dacian Wars is a topic over overlooked due to a severe lack of sources, which is in stark contrast to the magnitude and importance of the conflict. However, with this video, we hope to create a series detailing everything we know about the campaigns until this point, based on the works of numerous researchers and archeologists. So sit back and enjoy our lively animated and epic series as it covers the forgotten wars in their entirety, with no details left out!
Each video will include the details about the cultural and social lifestyle of the Dacians, a deeply fascinating people who were later Romanized to extinction by the Romans.
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- Florea, G; Pupeza, P. Les Dieux tués: La Destruction du chief-lieu du Royaume Dace” in Die Römischen Provinzen: Begriff und Gründung Colloquium Cluj-Napoca 28. September - 1. Oktober 2006, Editura Mega: Cluj-Napoca, 281-295.
- Neamtu, C; Bârcâ, V; Buna, Z. “Promoting and Capitalizing on the Vestiges from Sarmizegetusa Regia by Modern Multimedia Methods” in Plural, Vol. 8, no. 1, 2020, 150 - 173.
- Oltean, I. A; Hanson, W. S. “Conquest strategy and political discourse: new evidence for the conquest of Dacia from LiDAR analysis at Sarmizegetusa Regia” in Journal of Roman Archaeology, 30, 2017, 429-446.
- Oltean, R. Dacia: La Conquista Romana. Desperta Ferro Ediciones: Madrid, 2016.
- Oltean, R. Tracios, Getas y Dacios. Desperta Ferro Ediciones: Madrid, 2021.
- Pupeza, P. “To see or to be seen: The Dacian fortresses from the Orăştie Mountains” in Annales d’Université Valahia Targoviste, Section d’Archeologie et d’Histoire, XIV, 2, 2012, 81-85.
- Richmond, I. A. “Trajan’s Army on Trajan’s Column” in Papers of the British School at Rome, 13, 1935, 1-40.
- Rossi, L. “Dacian Fortifications in Trajan’s Column” in The Antiquaries Journal, 30-35.
- Soria Molina, D. Las guerras dácicas de Trajano Antecedentes, desarrollo, geopolítica, estrategia y consecuencias. Universidad de Murcia: Murcia, 2016.
- Stefan, A. S. Les guerres daciques de Domitien et de Trajan: Architecture militaire, topographie, images et histoire. Ecole Française de Rome: Rome, 2005.
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- Wheeler, E. “Rome’s Dacian Wars: Domitian, Trajan, and Strategy on the Danube, Part I” in The Journal of Military History, 74, 1185-1227.
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