Gales And Floods Strike Italy (1951)

Full title reads: “Gales And Floods Strike Italy“. Italy. LV Wind damaged buildings pan down to rubble. SV People digging in rubble. LV Wall falls. MV Flood waters from the River Po swirling over countryside. SV Lorry half under water. LV Lorry half under water, pan down to swirling water. SV People wading through water. CU Man carrying ladders wading through waters. LV People up ladder salvaging clothes etc., from upper floors SV Woman walking through street carrying linen SV Men being carried down ladder by soldier CU Old man. SV Man with small boy on back. SV Man standing knee deep in water. SV Flood waters swirling between trees. CU Wrecked wheel barrow. SV Cow being led through floods. SV Donkey being led through floods. CU Pigs walking through water. SV Pigs walking through water. Pan Wrecked buildings floods in foreground. People salvage. SV People. SV Covered body on ladder. Back view two bodies on ladders. CU Woman crying. (Orig. I Tin 2) FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EX
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