New Potato in Tomato Curry Recipe | 16 minute challenge with Rachel Khoo & Chetna Makan (Full Video)

Rachel Khoo and @FoodwithChetna make a delicious new potato and tomato curry from Chetna’s 30 Minute Indian cookbook. The clock will be ticking to see if they can whip up the dish in just 16 minutes. Why 16 minutes? ⁠⁠To highlight the 1.6 million women who experienced domestic abuse in England and Wales in the year ending March 2020 (ONS, 2020).⁠⁠ #CookWithKhoo is a series of live challenges to support the life-saving work of Women’s Aid, the national UK charity for women and children which is working to end domestic abuse. Every donation, no matter how small, can help a woman escape abuse and find freedom. Please donate if you can: Ingredients List: 600g new potatoes, cut into half 2-4 tbsp rapeseed oil For the curry: 1 tbsp rapeseed oil 1 tsp black mustard seeds 10 fresh curry leaves 1 tbsp sesame seeds 1 inch ginger, grated 1 green chilli, finely chopped 4 tomatoes
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