60 - Water Failure

January 15, 2015 - The water isn’t working at the radio station, which is super annoying. Oh, also it seems the sun is multiplying. Plus, a college football update, a request for some time off, and controversy with the local TV news. The voice of the phone tree was Erica Livingston and Christopher Loar. The voice of Lacy was Flor De Liz Perez. Weather: “Just Like My Heart“ by Fault Lines () Become a member on Patreon today to help us keep making Welcome to Night Vale and get cool stuff, like Director’s Notes, bonus episodes, and even a new character named after you. Music: Disparition, Logo: Rob Wilson, Produced by Commonplace Books. Written by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin. More Info: , and follow @NightValeRadio on Twitter or Facebook. HEY WHY’S THERE NO VIDEO? Welcome to Night Vale is a audio podcast. All standard episodes have no video component. To subscribe to the podcast, go to iTunes, Stitcher, or find our RSS feed at
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