Banco de Gaia feat Esbe - Kintsugi

“Kintsugi“ - stream or download from or Taken from “Kintsugi“: INFO The last few years have been quite bumpy, with family crises having to take priority over the making of music. Nevertheless this year was to be a respite from all that, with a major new album planned. Its November 2020 release would be accompanied by a string of UK and overseas live shows. Well, we can all guess what happened to that idea. As Allen Saunders said back in 1957, “Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans“. Nevertheless, I’ve persevered and made music as and when I could, putting together five tracks which mark a decisive shift from previous Banco releases. The Kintsugi EP is a contemplative affair, full of contrasts of light and shade reflecting the
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