This video is a homage to all delenas of the world because we deserve this end! Please watch until the won’t regret. I promise!
Elena makes a trip with Damon to discover what feels for him, what makes Damon be upset with this. And after of Elena say that don’t knows what feels, Damon tells her to discover for herself, and he will not make it easy for her ... Back from the trip, Stefan and Elena have a conversation. Damon hears a part of the conversation and this part he does not like because for him Elena made his choice and he had that to leave, because it was that combined with Stefan ... “’If she chooses you, I’m going out the city. And if she me choose, who comes out is you. “And Damon realized he had to go after hearing the conversation, but he did not hear all ... Damon packed his bags, and says to Stefan that he will leave because Elena has made his choice and he was not chosen him so he have to go, but asks Stefan prom