Slam Death Metal Riffs
Real puto brutality, keepin it old school and fresh with some new school. No Motherfuckin CORE, cuz bitches its all about the GORE!
And yeah I know some of the bands are not SLAM DEATH METAL, but they got some SLAMIN riffs.
Bands in order:
Pyrexia - Inhumanity
Suffocation - Liege Of Inveracity
Putrid Pile - Drenched In Gasoline
Internal Bleeding - Anointed In Servitude
Self Mutilation - Amputation
Mortician - Massacred
Putrefying Cadaverment - Vomitous Defecation
Gutted Out - Maggot Ridden Bowels
Katalepsy - Rabid
Devourment - Babykiller
Putrid Faith - Check Out
... The New Sound
Abominable Putridity - Entrails Full Of Vermin
Disconformity - Atonic Epilepsy
Torsofuck - Erotic Diarrhea Fantasy
Blunt Force Truama - Empty Lies And Broken Promises
Scattered Remnants - Inherent Perversion
Afterlife - Dreading The Marrow
Dying Fetus - Absolute defianceShow more