Best Slam Death Metal Riffs

Slam Death Metal Riffs Real puto brutality, keepin it old school and fresh with some new school. No Motherfuckin CORE, cuz bitches its all about the GORE! And yeah I know some of the bands are not SLAM DEATH METAL, but they got some SLAMIN riffs. Bands in order: Pyrexia - Inhumanity Suffocation - Liege Of Inveracity Putrid Pile - Drenched In Gasoline Internal Bleeding - Anointed In Servitude Self Mutilation - Amputation Mortician - Massacred Putrefying Cadaverment - Vomitous Defecation Gutted Out - Maggot Ridden Bowels Katalepsy - Rabid Devourment - Babykiller Putrid Faith - Check Out... The New Sound Abominable Putridity - Entrails Full Of Vermin Disconformity - Atonic Epilepsy Torsofuck - Erotic Diarrhea Fantasy Blunt Force Truama - Empty Lies And Broken Promises Scattered Remnants - Inherent Perversion Afterlife - Dreading The Marrow Dying Fetus - Absolute defiance
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