Supermarket English Glossary | Wordlist | Shopping English Vocabulary | Departments | Over 70 Terms!

Welcome back to LearningEnglishPRO. In today’s lesson, we will be exploring lots of English vocabulary relating to Supermarkets! In fact, I will be teaching you over 70 NEW TERMS so get ready to really boost your English word power! There is an extensive SUPERMARKET ENGLISH wordlist below covering all the words covered in today’s lesson and if you want more English content head over to my community tab and explore even more English Vocabulary! SUBSCRIBE NOW and start learning English like a PRO! SUPERMARKET Wordlist Customer Shopper Shopping Cart Shopping Trolley Shopping Basket Department Section Aisle Grocery Fruit & Vegetable Fruit & Veg Produce Bakery Butcher Meat Department Delicatessen Deli Cheese Counter Cheesemonger Fishmonger Chilled Foods Fresh Foods Dairy Frozen Foods Canned Food Vegan Foods Special Diet Baby Care Dried Food Home-baking Cereals Sauces & Pickles Ethnic Foods Fats & Oils Confectionary Snacks Drinks Household Products Alcohol Magazines & Newspapers Home Entertainment Health & Bea
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